
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2013

Sepenggal Kisah di UTM (2)

Pengalaman saya ketika berada di UTM untuk satu semester benar-benar pengalaman yang berharga, untuk pertama kalinya saya 'keluar' dan jauh dari hiruk pikuk keadaan sekitar saya. Huwaaah, saya ingin 'keluar' lagi >_<. Saya teringat beberapa 'rule' ketika saya dan teman-teman berada di UTM, khususnya ketika berada di Kolej 9, rule tersebut antara lain :   1. Dengan menggunakan alasan sibuk karena jadwal kuliah dan tugas yang menumpuk, serta dalih penghematan air, detergen, waktu dan tenaga, membuat pakaian kudu dipakai beberapa kali dulu baru dicuci!. Wkwkwkwk, jadi setelah pemakaian sekali, pakaian digantung dan diangin-anginin, kemudian semprotkan parfume biar wangi, kalau perlu, setrika pakaian >_* 2. Kalau cucian banyak aka takut cucian nggak kering aka males, biasanya saya ngajak Nisa, Auntie, Maya dll buat nyuci pakai mesin cuci, untuk menggunakan mesin, kita harus bayar 1,5 ringgit untuk satu kali pemakaian. Biasanya kita patungan, ba...


 I'm happy You've met someone She love and give what I can't She's there and real I'm happy She has met you You love and give what you can You're there and real Love will find the way These words always I trust Wish both of you would trust too One thing, "Thanks" For the days, for the memories Although it's not give meaning to you more than me Although it's just a little memories Although it will never again Thanks so much You've found She has found Love has found Wish both of you always in love Wish both of you always be happy The prays will always with you two ^_^ Note : I'm hearing one of Ayumi Hamasaki's song, the title is 'together when', it's one of my favorite song, there's part I like most, if we translated in indonesian, it will be : "Aku ingin mengatakan terima kasih, Tapi tetap tidak bisa mengatakan terima kasih, Karena rasanya jadi seperti akan berpisa...


It's how do I hate Or how do I ignore It's how do I run away Or how do I hide Pretend Lie I dont choose to face to face I dont want have a confrontation Ignore No want to know No want The words The truth It's not big deal It's about how do you tell about someone About the dark side It is not secret It'll be better to keep silent because it's the someone's dark side Maybe it's a truth But I think it'll be better to keep Not for tell someone's sin

The Journey

The journey, someday will be over Soon will be over Sure will be over We will leave a history We will be history We will be something that the others said it's memory We will be a story We will tell our journey as a story The pain, the hurt, or the darkness The sadness, on heart or memories It's you or someone else It's a part of story The story about us I want borrow you as the character For the journey story The smile, the laugh, or the light The happiness, just a little bit or just dreams It's you or someone else It's a part of the past The past about the days I want borrow the memories given by you For the journey story You were here I were here too You were there I were there too We were The journey will end Soon will be end I want borrow you for the story For my journey story May I? Just for the story Just for tell, the days when we were there Just for remember Just for learn, the days when I met you The days when you were h...

Thanks For

Back to home! Tadaima >_< Satu hal, "Rasanya lebih sedih ketika pulang dibandingkan ketika pergi" Kemarin saya dan teman-teman IFBil 09 akhirnya pulang ke Palembang, Indonesia dengan selamat (alhamdulilah), rasanya begitu cepat waktu berlalu, saya teringat kata Nisa dan Auntie Dini, " Kita seperti melewati lorong waktu, tiba-tiba sudah sampai disini"   Pada malam terakhir sebelum berangkat, seperti biasa saya dan teman-teman menuju tempat paling bersejarah bagi beberapa orang *tanah, terpana, seringgit dua puluh sen*, yaitu " DEWAN MAKAN", untuk makan malam yang terakhir itu, kami semua memesan makanan yang sama, yaitu ayam penyet di warung bibik, orang Indonesia yang jualan hehe, will miss u bik >_<.  Untuk postingan kali ini, saya ingin menyampaikan terima kasih, untuk yang pertama, thanks for Dewan Makan, karena selama kami berada di kolej, telah membantu dalam penyediaan makan memakan dan juga telah mempertemukan...

What's I Play

Tentang Kamu (Play with PianistHD) Pergilah Kau (Play with PianistHD) Lihatlah Lebih Dekat (Play with PianistHD)

What's the story I can tell

Sepenggal Kisah di UTM (Universitas Teknologi Malaysia) Hello, postingan kali ini saya akan membahas sedikit cerita yang terjadi selama saya di negeri Jiran, tak terasa sudah memasuki H-5 nih, bentar lagi saya dan teman-teman akan pulang ke Indonesia (insya Allah), amien, setelah satu semester dihabiskan untuk kuliah di sini ^_^ Tentang Kolej Jumat, 7 September 2012, waktu itu, pukul 1 pagi, kami, 69 orang mahasiswa dan mahasiswi Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya dengan selamat (alhamdulilah) menginjakkan kaki di UTM, setibanya di UTM, kami langsung dibawa menuju ke asrama/kolej, kolej yang kami tempati terbagi dua, yaitu Kolej 9 (K9) untuk para cewek, dan Kolej Tuanku Canselor (KTC)- S43 untuk para   cowok. Letak kedua kolej tersebut lumayan dekat, bisa ditempuh dengan jalan kaki sekitar 10-15 menit. sayangnya kedua kolej tersebut cukup jauh dari gerbang utama. Kalau tidak ada bis/kendaraan, susah untuk keluar/masuk UTM. Ketika bis berhenti di depan kol...


Kamu akan menjadi kenangan, begitu juga denganku Cerita ini akan menjadi kenangan, Begitu juga rasa yang disebabkannya Karena itu, aku mulai membiasakan diri "Itu salah!", tapi aku tidak mau tahu Mengabaikan yang seharusnya dilakukan Dan memilih untuk terbiasa tanpamu Ketakutan kah? Kekalahan kah? Atau "Aku tetap tak punya keberanian"?


Satu per satu hal mulai memudar keberadaannya Pada akhirnya, semua hal itu sesegera mungkin akan menghilang Menyisakan sesuatu yang tak nyata Tak terlihat oleh siapapun Tak bisa terulang Tak bisa kembali Apakah telah sampai pada titik terakhir? Berakhir tanpa adanya pemberitahuan? Berakhir begitu sajakah?

When they come

The old memories come I look them, Why do they come to me? They make me ask " Why?" The days before now, I ask to you, " Why did you do it for me?" " Why did the events happen to me?" " Why did you tell it to them?" I ask my self, " Why did all the lie not leave me?" " Why did I like this?" " Why did all the things be like that?" I ask to the old memories about you and me The old memories can not give answers They just smile, slowly give questions " You' re happy with us?" " You're sad with us?" I still see them, The old memories still smile " We are the facts, evidences about the past." " The answers about the reason 'why' is depend on your point of view about the past when you're in the future." I think, try to seek the answers for my questions " Maybe I dont know the true reason now, but I dont regret for anything, it' happ...

Count The Time

 ( Let's count the time Pretend it will last for everlasting With it, we will try do the best every seconds Make sure, the every end will end happily Let's count the time Think it will be forever Alhought all the things just will be memories It's not problem, I can still remember you on the memories I have you on the memories You, may I still like this? I pretend, ignore the truth I lie. Spend the time and think no problem for it I know it's pain for someone else You, am I wrong to be like this? You just see as usual Not to know what I hide It's for limited time After that, all the things will be over But memories will be forever For me, not for you At the limited time, Let's make memories In order to, when we don't here later I can still remember How important the past is! How important the memories are! But still, it just ...

Not For Forever

It's not for forever The sadness or the happiness All the things that we have and feel It's not for forever, right? Said "OK" or " I'll be allright" A lie or a truth, you shouldn't know You believe with what you see I feel what you don't see You see what I do In the fact, I dont do what I want do You hear the words But, the main words never reach And the end, it still never It's not for forever, right? But, I still believe with the words It's not for forever, right? But still, with the stupid, I trust the words. I heard someone said " If your ending is not over happily, it's not over yet" Note : Just intermezzo, I look for piano software, Pianist HD its name. Just play, Semua Tentang Kita - Peterpan (cover, play with Pianist HD) Selepas Kau Pergi - Laluna (cover, play with Pianist HD) ^_^.

Paint on The Song

( Let's paints on the songs Paint the black symphony that I should played Look at the canvas, it hides confession I remember , on rainy days , sunny days,   or whatever on the past you were here Together when   all the people said all about us Let me tell beautifully   “ Someone like you , have left mark on a place,   the deepest place that no one knows,   I don’t know what’s the name, I just know it’s fragile ” Look at the canvas again, the light is erasing all I have painted All I have painted is screaming, “ erase me !! ” They like you, doesn’t them? Without you warn me, I will erase your trail Look at the canvas again, it’s still dark No, more than dark!! o_O